Food labels and Nutritional content

How to read food labels content to help you decide and plan your diet Best to check the content per 100g FAT content Less than 3g of fat per 100g means that the food is LOW in fat More than 17.5g of fat per 100g means the food is HIGH in fat Anything in-between these is classed as having MEDIUM fat content SALT content Less …

Weight gain management tips

Photo by Anna Tarazevich Exercise if abled-bodied should include strength training to grow muscle To gain weight the individual would need to take in more calories than they use up Use plants or seed oil as many provide unsaturated fats which are beneficial to health Roast vegetables instead of boiling them Adding peanuts if possible into the diet …

Micronutrients and Macronutrients

Macronutrients Protein Sources Meat, fish, eggs, dairy foods, pulses, nuts, seeds and cereals Function Needed for growth Fats Sources Dairy foods, oily fish, meat Function Provides fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E Carbs Sources Starchy foods including bread, rice, pasta and potatoes Function Provides energy Micronutrients Calcium Sources Dairy foods, oily fish such as salmon …

Sex fit 😈

On average per minute the calorie expenditure for men is 4 and women is 3 after some fun research some experts say that an estimated 30 minutes sessions burns between 85 to 150 calories Depending on how long your individual session should last will have a impact on how many calories you will use Just like …

Skinny fat 🫄

A person that doesn't weigh a lot but has a high level of body fat especially around the belly The person could be a very health weight but can still hold more fat than necessary This doesn't mean that you are unhealthy Most skinny fat people will try lose the fat but going on a …