Boxing D . I . Y 🥊

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk   Boxing has always been a great workout to get you fit, ripped and in shape Not all of us are lucky enough to have a boxing club or gym that provides these facilities So if you want to try your hand at boxing training but don't want to spend a …

Home chest builder 🏠👷

Photo by Ivan Samkov It is possible to build your chest at home A mixture of  endurance, strength and explosive speed will help build the chest muscle  Muscle growth is stimulated when put under stress they develop microscopic tears and damage This is good as it is the process to which the muscle needs to grow …

Love for Lunges ❤️🦵

The benefits of doing lunges Builds a stronger core Builds stronger legs help to maintain muscle mass maintain bone density improved balance Corrects muscle imbalances Better flexibility Helps correct posture  The muscle that are worked when doing lunges  iliopsoas Quad  Hamstring  Calves  Soleus  Glutes Core engagement  Back engagement  Types of Lunges Reverse  Forward Pendulum ( …