Get that big booty šŸ‘

Photo by Jhoon Dias

The famous butt muscle the gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in your body (fun fact)

There are three main muscles that make up the your butt muscle group

  • gluteus maximus
  • gluteus medius
  • gluteus minimus

All the different muscles of the glutes ( butt ) work together but also have individual functionsĀ Ā 

They are all responsible for providing balance and power when we move

Gluteus maximusĀ  controls the movementĀ  for hip extension and lateral rotational movementĀ 

Movements like running and walking and also lateral rotation movement of the leg (thigh) such as swinging your leg out to the sideĀ 

Gluteus medius controls movement of the leg away from the body also balanceĀ 

Gluteus minimus controls much of the same movements as the medius like hip abduction and medial rotation of the leg

So when planning to build the butt it is a good idea to hit the glutes from a few different anglesĀ 

Squats should definitely be one of your staple glute exercises as it targets multiple muscleĀ 

  • gluteus maximus, minimus, and medius (butt)
  • quadriceps (front of the leg)
  • hamstrings (back of the leg)
  • adductor (groin)
  • hip flexors
  • calves
  • AbsĀ 

different types of squats

  • bodyweight basic squat
  • kang squat
  • back squat rackĀ 
  • front squat rackĀ 
  • crab walk side squatsĀ 
  • Sumo squatsĀ 

Lunges should also be one of your go to glute exercises and it also targets multiple muscle such asĀ 

  • Gluteus maximus
  • Hamstrings
  • Quadriceps
  • Gastrocnemius/soleus (calves)

different types of lungesĀ 

  • bodyweight walking lungesĀ 
  • weighted reverse/forward lungeĀ 
  • bulgarian split lungeĀ 
  • side lungeĀ 

You can do these with any type of resistance

A barbell, dumbbells cables, kettlebell or bodyweight depending on your level and functional abilityĀ 

  • Deadlifts (bodyweight / barbell / dumbbells)Ā Ā 
  • Hip thrusts / bridge
  • standing side Leg raises (ankle weights / cable / body weight )Ā 
  • lay side leg raises ( ankle weight / body weight / cable machine )hip abduction side layingĀ 
  • Good morningsĀ 

You need to rest in between leg days because your muscles need time to repair

As well as fueling your body with good nutrients especially protein

body weight squats are great for beginners or to add onto the end of you session

If you’ve been consistently doing so and haven’t noticed your butt getting bigger it’s because you need to add weight or add on more set aim for rep failureĀ 

Your bum is a muscle and you have to add resistance in order for them to grow the same way you would with any other muscle

Do cardio getting your heart and lungs going is extremely important and very beneficial and also a great way to burn a few extra calories as well as tone the focus area of the butt

  • Treadmill ( Quick burst of high speed sprints inclined )
  • Bike ( High resistance quick burst around 70 – 90 RPM )
  • Outdoor sprints


The table below is just an idea to help you get started

Everything should be changed to you and your level and ability

Walking Lunges 10 each side 4Dumbbells 45 seconds
Elevated sumo squats 15 3Dumbbells1 minute
Side lunges 154Kettlebell 45 seconds
Squat rack 123Barbell 1 minute
Bulgarian split squat 104Kettlebell 1 minute
Kang squat 123Bodyweight1 minute
Gym lower body bum workout

At home

The table below is just an idea to help you get started

Everything should be changed to you and your level and ability

Jumping lunges124Bodyweight30 seconds
Prison squats 154Bodyweight30 seconds
Crab side squat walk20 4Bodyweight30 seconds
Bulgarian split squat144Bodyweight1 minute
Jump squats 153Bodyweight30 seconds
Hip thrust 163bodyweight30 seconds
At home lower body bum workout


  • Go to failure
  • Explosive, Hold and TUT ( time under tension ) should be included in every rep
  • Chose the right challenging resistance for you
  • Target all the muscles of the glutes by doing a range of movement and exercises
  • Take rest when needed
  • Protein is important to add in a significant amount for your body

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