How To Handle Love Handles 🧁

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch

Love handles are the excess fat stored  around the hips and abdominal area

It is notoriously one of the most stubborn areas to trim down fat for both men and women

This is because it takes the longest amount of time for the body to eventually burn fat from that area compared to other areas of the body like the face, arms and chest

This is because the type of fat that is stored around the midsection is much more difficult to burn

The main cause of love handles is fat retention and this is when your body retains fat due to an imbalance of energy transfer

Healthy nutrition  

nutrition is extremely important to overcome love handles as love handles indicate that a person has not burned as much energy as they have been consuming for an extended period of time

A healthier diet and nutrition is key to start losing fat all over the body

Knowing this information can sound harsh but it is vital info we need to get started

What can cause love handles ?

  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Not enough physical activity
  • Food high in sugar, bad fats and high calorie food and drinks
  •  Untreated medical conditions

You cannot spot reduce fat in a certain area the reduction of fat is from all over the body

You can build muscle in that area which will burn fat and show muscular definition over time

Losing fatty deposits Like love handles, requires better nutrition and diet even before an exercise routine

Love handles are created due to overload of unused energy which turns it into fat storage

Well-balanced nutritional meals eaten at regular intervals throughout the day is essential as it will prevent you from getting hungry which will allow you to make better food choices


You should not focus solely on doing too many abs exercises like crunches, sit ups and leg raises

This is because a lot of that movement is designed to go forward and back

Doing abs should be a part of your program but mix it up with other ab targeting exercises like the obliques

The oblique is a muscle that should be the targeted because when the fat starts to come of the oblique muscle shows definition in that area

The obliques is designed for rotational movement

Exercises like the ones listed below

  • leg raises side to side
  • figure 8s
  • hanging oblique twist
  • cable trunk twist
  • barbell twist

It is very important that you are rotating when performing these exercises

Many ab exercises like the bicycle crunch, russian twist or side to side planks do not actually rotate

Emphasis the movement and  move the torso all the way to one side active a good contraction

Finding ways to move throughout the day will increase the amount of energy you use and burn fat

Aerobic and anaerobic cardio workouts will help burn extra energy and reduce excess fat on the body

This is an very important part of losing belly fat love handles

Resistance training is also extremely important because this type of training will help you to build muscle all over your body

And the more muscle you develop the more energy your body will burn in your day at rest

But above all when it comes to building muscle, and losing weight especially love handles You have to be persistent

Cardio is also a very important factor to getting rid of the love handles and it will help burn extra energy ( calories )helping to keep you in a caloric deficit 


  • Stay persistent 
  • Burn more energy than you consume 
  • Have a diet you can commit to long term 
  • Eat nutritional rich foods especially protein 
  • Do your cardio 
  • Lift weights and progress 
  • Sleep well 


ExerciseSets / RepsRestRounds

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